The Miracle Worker

You're never going to be the CEO you want to be when you're REACTING, rather than responding

You roll out of bed, grab your phone, and start thinking about everything you need to get done that day
BOOM you're anxious before 9am again
Open up Instagram, and there's that other girl in your industry posting her biggest celebrations and enjoying her week in Bali...
When you just spent the past week crushing your never-ending to-do list, your brain feels like it never turns off, and you're not seeing any different results
You're wondering, when will it be my turn?
When can I be the girl writing the celebration post from MY bathtub at 2pm on a Wednesday
And here's the thing...
You don't have a "time" problem
You don't have a "mindset" problem
You don't have a "discipline" problem
You don't have a "motivation" problem
You don't have a "I can't focus" problem

You have a SUBCONSCIOUS problem! 


For Busy Female Entrepreneurs: 

🪄Wake up feeling like an actual CEO (balanced, in control, organized) who enjoys an exciting life while growing her business 
 🪄You're ready to make everyday decisions from a place of creativity and inspiration instead of "I don't know where to start" overwhelm
🪄Accomplish more in less time, so you can go enjoy a bubble bath at 2pm on a Wednesday without thinking about your to-do list
🪄Have taking consistent action towards your goals feel effortless and easier than ever before

Program Features:

🪄4-week group experience
🪄"Save 20 hours a month in just 20 mins" guide
🪄2 group calls with me (60 min each)
🪄Tangible productivity trainings that will save you thousands
🪄Private telegram chat
🪄Vault access to recorded EFT and hypnosis tracks
🪄We start beginning of June
BONUS: includes a ticket for "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" Pajama Party virtual event happening in June

$444.00 USD